Breuil Cervinia – val d’aosta

Breuil-Cervinia, world renown ski resort, is located at 2005 meters just below the beautiful silhouette of the Mount Cervino (the Matterhorn) in Valle d'Aosta. With over 212 kilometers of ski slopes, it is one of the largest in the Alps. You can ski all day without ever retracing your tracks.

The modern ski lifts take just a few minutes to reach the 3489 meter high Plateau Rosa, where you can even ski in the summer: the view looking out over the peaks of over four thousand meters is lovely.
Snowboarders will find their paradise in the Snow Park in Breuil-Cervinia. Holidays, travel, and weekends in Breuil-Cervinia also offer the opportunity to live immersed in intact and untouched nature, and to meet and closely observe many animals such as ibex, marmots and eagles. In Breuil-Cervinia, the landscape is fascinating, thanks to the deep green of the pastures in the summer, the wooden houses and the balconies full of flowers, showing off the beauty of a thousand colors

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