Honeymoon - Wedding list

Today, honeymoon is often used as wedding list.
We offer to bride and groom to open a wedding list where to raise money for the trip that they would like to do for their honeymoon.

If honeymooners want a wedding list less impersonal, we can create a trip "a la carte", divided into packets of different values; ​​in this way, the guests will be able to give you a real part of the honeymoon.
Travel packages can be both real elements such as flights tickets or overnight stays in hotels, and tourist services such as a romantic dinner, or visits. Your guests will be able to give you what you prefer matching gift to a message of congratulations.

As destination we are able to arrange your HONEYMOON in France, Italy, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, USA, Canada, Caribbean, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Nicaragua, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile and Easter Island, Colombia, Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, but also Hawaii.

Do not hesitate to give a look to our website www.konradtravel.com

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Ilmiomiglioreviaggio by Konrad Travel 

Via delle Coppelle, 3  00186  ROMA

Skype Jacqueline Lenormand

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