Friuli venezia Giulia

Friuli Venezia Giulia is a land with a complex history and variety of traditions, unveiling its long-time characteristics and magical aspects.




With its geographical position, the three main European civilizations, the Latin, the Slavs and the Germans met here, sometimes causing conflicts and giving origins to the region’s current complex cultural heritage.

Trieste is a beautiful and seaside cosmopolitan city where the sea almost flows through the city. It has a rich mixture of Habsburg heritage and historical coffees. Thanks to its location, this city still shows the signs of several religions, like the Catholics, the Valdese, the Serb-Othodox and Greek Orthodox and the Jewish all mixed together.

Thanks to all its jewels, the city of Aquileia, also known as the Second Rome, with its lagoons and its Terme in Lignano Riviera, this region can really offer its visitors a huge variety to choose from … arts, history, sea resorts, spa resorts, mountains and natural routes without forgetting its wines and good food. Friuli Venezia Giulia can really meet everyone’s expectations.





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Ilmiomiglioreviaggio by Konrad Travel 

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