
Basilicata is a region with a long picturesque history that welcomes the tourists to its charming landscapes and to its long and rich history and traditions that perfectly match with its Mediterranean culinary tradition.



do you know

 Thanks to its `Sassi di Matera` that are inscribed on the Unesco Heritage List, the city of Matera has gained cultural and touristic fame. The present city of Matera was built in the stones on a paleolithic settlement.


The region touches both the Ionian Sea and the Tyrrenian Sea. Its long sandy beaches are located on the southwest side of the region. Its hinterland, in contrast, is mostly characterised by mountains whose peaks can also reach 2000 meters high.

Even though this region is not very popular to tourists, it welcomes all its visitors with its rich culinary and cultural tradition that best adapt to satisfy all the expectations of both families and adventurous people.




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Ilmiomiglioreviaggio by Konrad Travel 

Via delle Coppelle, 3  00186  ROMA

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