
Veneto is the ideal destination for a vacation during the summer thanks to its many sea resorts, like the Lido di Venezia, the golden beaches in Caole and Bibione, Jesolo and Cavallino. It is also perfect during the winter thanks to the peaks of the Dolomites that surround the ski resort of Cortina. don’t forget its arts cities and its many famous Spa resorts, including the Terme Euganee in Abano and Montegrotto. 




Among the arts cities, we have to mention first Venice, with its richest history and traditions; then Verona made famous by Shakespeare`s tragedy, Romeo and Juliet. Padua follows with all its colonnades; Treviso with its frescoes and Vicenza.

All these cities are the guardians of this region’s past history, traditions and heritage of the people who lived in this region in centuries past.

Another famous destination of this precious region is Lake Garda with its enchanting atmosphere and fascinating little towns made famous by many poets and writers.



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