
The majestic mountains situated in the north east side of this region look like they are trying to hug and protect one of the most beautiful coasts in the world: the Amalfi coast with its crystal-clear sea and the picturesque towns of Positano, Amalfi, Sorrento and Ravello.

Naples strikes its visitors for its colors, its history and its cheerful and expressive people. Then we have Vesuvius, the active volcano whose sudden and powerful eruption destroyed the city of Pompeii petrifying instantly its people.




The Romans and the Greeks called the region ‘felix’ which means fertile countryside. The region was colonised by several people from all over Europe for its strategic position, its cultural and commercial towns like Partenope (today called Naples), Ercolano, Pompeii, and Poseidonia (todays called Paestum). This past domination shaped the region turning it into a real ‘cultural cradle’.

Its hinterland offers various cultural and historical places, like the Reggia di Caserta, the Certosa di S. Lorenzo in Padula, one of the biggest charterhouses in the world, and the caves in Pertosa and in Castelcivita.  

From the touristic and commercial ports of the region, Naples and Sorrento, visitors can also reach the two famous islands in the Gulf of Naples, Capri and Ischia.


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